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in·star | ˈinstär |
a phase between two periods of molting · the stage in the formation of an image or form

1 min read
Mel's City: Illustrated Journal
by Melanie Rejón Melanie Rejón es una ilustradora, diseñadora y arquitecta mexicana. Estudió en la Facultad de Arquitectura de la UADY,...

1 min read
let's waltz, darling
by Kay Lee your hand in / mine you can / spin once and / i will spin / twice; you take / onetwothree / sharp breaths, brilliant, / giddy,...

5 min read
On the Train to New York
by Diamond Forde ALICE pressed her back into the red brick of the railway station. 2 The horizon, once foaming waves of cotton, now...

2 min read
Nickie DeSardo
Houdini’s Secret I left a seamount behind in order to break free from you. Houdini wrapped in chains sunk to the ocean floor. A million...

8 min read
Rone Shavers
Crônica of the Grand Allusion Once again, it’s necessary to comment on what the crônica is and why I tend to stick with it. The crônica...

5 min read
Parakeets at the Edge of the Mojave
by Shoshana Tehila Surek Multimedia water color by Shoshana Tehila Surek “I lose a word every time that I blink,” my mother said a year...

4 min read
Truth in Illusions
by Daniel Herrera “Truth in Illusions” “You would measure time the measureless and immeasurable.” Khalil Gibran The Prophet Khalil’s eyes...

1 min read
Poems by henry 7. reneau, jr.
henry 7. reneau, jr. writes words of conflagration to awaken the world ablaze, an inferno of free verse illuminated by his affinity for...

3 min read
by Elsa Valmidiano Between Water and Grief by Bea Hayward, 2020 Thirteen. Fourteen. Fifteen. Sixteen. Seventeen. Eighteen. Nineteen. Each...

1 min read
Jessy Randall
A visual poetry collection by Jessy Randall

6 min read
Red Turns Insolence into Innocence
by Lily Hoang
Let me tell you a story. It happened long, long ago, in places without names, but they are stories worth hearing

1 min read
Jaap Blonk
First Class Nightmares
Jaap Blonk – voice and laptop
Recorded Live in Vancouver, April 20, 2018
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